You might think, "Gone are the days of excitement and intrigue. Where are thou, Shiny Special Life?" But, nay! 2011 is going to be an incredible year in my life, and I'm really looking forward to what's in store:
- My final semester of law school includes a seminar in Video Game Law and a lecture on Sports Law. That's right, folks! I'm going to be talking football all year and discussing the myriad of legal issues surrounding games like Halo, Grand Theft Auto, and Call of Duty. Suck it, tax law!
- I graduate in 123 days. 'Nuff said on that.
- I turn 30 in June, and we all know that 30 is the new black/is the new 20/is some clichéd trend to make women feel like they're not old. I'm stoked about 30! I feel like I learned a lot about my self in my 20s, and I'm already thoroughly enjoying a grab-life-by-the-balls, take-no-ish era that comes with self-awareness and confidence.
- I take the California Bar exam in July. This both thrills and terrifies me. It's a beast of a test and there's a lot of preparation yet to do, but I'm going to approach it with the same determination that sent me on my path to law school in the first place.
In addition to these milestones, I'm really excited to be supporting my friends as they move forward in their professional and personal lives. Some I've known for 10+ years, others less than 2, but I'm surrounded by incredibly ambitious and daring people who will be taking steps, big and small, this year in their lives. They've blessed me with their words of encouragement, their wisdom, and their companionship, and I can't wait to pick up the pom-poms -- and sometimes the check -- to help them physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, metaphorically, metaphysically, etc.
Raise a glass with me to 2011, and prepare yourself for fantastic things to come. Slàinte mhòr agad!
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