Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Unemployed JD, Part 1

On Saturday, I returned to "reality" from a particularly adventurous visit to my parents' house in the woods of Northern Michigan (look for the forthcoming post).

On Sunday, faced with the prospect of eating granola and water for the next couple days, I headed out to find edible things on a budget. I ended up getting a couple week’s worth of groceries for $40 and change.

For the first time in 7 years, I bought Ramen, and I prepared myself for many meals of peanut butter and jelly. I did spring for the whole grain bread, though, in an attempt to get even scant nutritional value.

This is my new ShinySpecialLife. As an unemployed JD.

I have no job, I have no job prospects, I don’t even have a job interview on the horizon. I also have only enough cash in my account to make it through maybe another month (this one) and loan payments coming due on my legal education.

Stay tuned for the tears and the tales.

The contents of my fridge Sunday morning.
I'm pretty sure that applesauce expired in 2009.